- Pimelodidae
- / Pirinampus pirinampu
Flatwhiskered Catfish
Family: Pimelodidae, siluriformes, deprived of fish scales.
Characteristics: Slightly elongated and tall body, bluish-gray coloration and back with large adipose fin tending to brownish-green color when removed from the water. Its head has a small mouth and flattened sensorial barbels. It can reach 2.62 ft in length and weigh up to 26 lbs. However, in Pousada Rio Xingu it is possible to catch some flatwhiskered catfishes weighting up to 40 lbs.
Geographical Distribution: Amazon, Prata and Araguaia-Tocantins basins, where they live on the river banks. Piscivores by excellence, they are quite voracious, attacking specimens trapped in nets.